Dear Editor,
As property tax notices begin to show up, we want to say “Thanks!”
Last November, voters approved an increase in the Library’s mill levy, from a maximum of 3.5 mills to a maximum of 4.5 mills. Subsequently, we submitted a budget, which included the mill levy we need to support Library services in 2016. We requested a mill levy of 4.121, well below the voter-approved maximum, but enough to allow us to begin to restore services. That means expanded hours, more books and materials, updated technology, refurbished buildings and more. You can preview expected changes here:
Thanks to Jeffco voters, who approved our mill levy increase, and the County Commissioners, who approved our 2016 budget, we’re now focused on putting Jefferson County Public Library back on a path to excellence.
We are deeply grateful for this opportunity, and we’ll continue to work hard to maintain your trust and support.
The Jefferson County Public Library Board of Trustees
Brian DeLaet, Chair
Julia Hill-Nichols, Vice-Chair
John Bodnar
Travis Blacketter
Benjamin Davis
Charles Naumer